Exciting News for Newburgh: Securing a Grant for Urban Forest Planning

Exciting News for Newburgh: Securing a Grant for Urban Forest Planning
2023 Arbor Day Planting - Conservation Advisory Council

Great news for Newburgh residents! Our community is part of a significant step towards enhancing our urban environment. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced grant awards totaling $978,820 for urban forest assessment and planning in New York State, and we're on the list!

This grant is not just about planting more trees. It's about understanding our urban forests better and planning how to care for them. Urban forests are our city's trees and green spaces, and they're super important for many reasons. They clean our air, provide homes for wildlife, and even help prevent flooding. Plus, they make our neighborhoods more beautiful.

Commissioner Basil Seggos of the DEC highlighted the many benefits of healthy urban forests. They're not just good for the environment; they also help us economically and socially. By investing in our urban forests, we're investing in the health of our environment and community.

This grant is part of the Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Grants program. It's exciting because it's the first round of funding for projects that focus on tree inventory and community forest management plans. Of 28 applications, 18 projects were chosen, and the City of Newburgh is one of them!

The funding for these grants comes from the State's Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), which has been increased to support more projects like this. In the last 12 years, New York State has given out over $14 million in urban forestry grants. This shows a strong commitment to improving our urban green spaces.

This grant is a big win for Newburgh. It means we can make our city greener, healthier, and more enjoyable for everyone. Let's look forward to seeing our urban forests grow and thrive thanks to this fantastic opportunity!

DEC Announces Nearly $1 Million in Urban Forestry Grant Awards
NYSDEC announced grant awards totaling $978,820 for urban forest assessment and planning projects across New York State.