Lead in School Water: Newburgh’s Progress in Ensuring Safe Drinking Water

Lead in School Water: Newburgh’s Progress in Ensuring Safe Drinking Water
Photo by Hamid Siddiqi / Unsplash

Did you know that even after pipes are replaced, some school taps might still have lead in the water? This is a challenge many communities face, but here in Newburgh, NY, we’re making great progress to tackle this issue head-on.

How Does Lead Get Into Water?

Lead can sneak into drinking water through many sources:

  • Old faucets and drinking fountains
  • Lead solder that connects pipes
  • Brass fittings, even in newer fixtures
  • Water that sits in pipes for too long

This means even schools with updated pipes might still have issues. That’s why regular testing and fixing are so important.

Why Lead Is Dangerous

Lead can harm children’s health. It can make learning harder and cause behavioral problems. The EPA says removing lead from water can help kids avoid issues like ADHD and low birth weight. Clean water is essential for keeping kids healthy and safe.

What Newburgh Is Doing About It

Newburgh is taking bold steps to ensure clean water for everyone. Here’s how:

  • Replacing Lead Pipes: Newburgh has been chosen for a nationwide lead pipe replacement program. This means old pipes in homes and public spaces are being replaced with safer ones. Read more about this program here.
  • Safer School Water: The Newburgh Enlarged City School District is testing water regularly and replacing fixtures with lead concerns. They’ve also added bottle-filling stations to provide cleaner drinking options. Learn more about the district’s efforts here.
  • Community Awareness: The city is helping residents learn how to test their water and access resources to replace pipes in their homes.
  • Newburgh Clean Water Project: This local initiative is raising awareness and advocating for clean, lead-free water throughout the community. Follow the Newburgh Clean Water Project on Facebook to stay updated and get involved in their efforts.

How You Can Help

Newburgh is making progress, but we can all play a part. Here’s what you can do:

  • Test Your Water: Check your home’s water to make sure it’s safe.
  • Stay Informed: Follow updates from the city, school district, and local organizations like the Newburgh Clean Water Project.
  • Get Involved: Connect with organizations like Riverkeeper, which works to protect clean water in the Hudson Valley and beyond.

Let’s Keep Newburgh Moving Forward

Newburgh is leading the way in making water safer for everyone. By working together, we can ensure clean, lead-free water for kids, teachers, and families. Do you know what your school or community is doing to address water safety? Please share your thoughts and ideas to help keep our community healthy and strong!

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